Saturday, September 8, 2012

Onomatopoeia Project

        For the past week I've been teaching my students all about Onomatopoeia words. I picked up several library books that feature Onomatopoeia words and read them out loud to my class. The children loved listening to the stories. I wanted to show them how easy it is to incorporate Onomatopoeia words in their writing. Onomatopoeia words can make a story more enterataining and bring any story to life.
Here is a list of books I recommend using when introducing Onomatopoeia Words. Hopefully these stories will inspire your children to make some noise in their own writing.

Tiny Little Fly.  Michael Rosen.  Candlewick, 2010.
All the Water in the World.  George Ella Lyon and Katherine Tillotson.  Atheneum, 2011.
Bob.  Tracey Campbell Pearson.  Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
Can You Growl Like a Bear? John Butler.  Peachtree, 2007.
Click, Clack, Moo : Cows that Type.  Doreen Cronin.  Simon & Schuster, 2000.
Dear Fish.  Chris Gall.  Little Brown, 2006.
Double Trouble in Walla Walla.  Andrew Clements.  Millbrook Press, 1997.
Five Green and Speckled Frogs. Priscilla Burris.  Scholastic, 2003
I Stink! Kate McMullan.  HarperCollins, 2002.
I’m Bad!  Kate McMullan.   HarperCollins, 2008.
I’m Dirty. Kate McMullan.  HarperColins, 2006.
In the Tall, Tall Grass. Denise Fleming.  Holt, 1991.
Ker-splash!  George O’Conner.  Simon & Schuster, 2005.
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. Linda Williams.  HarperCollins, 1986.

        From all the books above, I only read two stories to my class and displayed the rest of them on the back table. I welcomed my students to read them during the week whenever they were done with their work and had free time. After introducing Onomatopoeia words, I assigned the Onomatopoeia Project to my students. I gave the children a list of Onomatopoeia Words and had them pick their favorite one. Then, I told them that I wanted them to animate their words on a construciton paper. I told them to be creative and make their word come to life. I told them they can use tissue paper, cotton, glitter, make their word 3-D, etc... The children took their projects home and here are the end results. :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our Plastic Lockers

I want to give special thanks to several moms for purchasing plastic drawers and donating them to my classroom. Genius! Why didn't I think of this before? These moms purchased a set of eight drawers at Target and brought them to my classroom as a surprise. I place two sets at the end of each group of tables. Now my students have more room inside their desk and books/papers don't get torn or bent out of shape. I have assigned a drawer for each student and have labeled them with their names. Now, each student can use his/her drawer to hold his/her belongings. It serves as a little plastic locker and keeps my classroom cluther free as well as keeps all their books and folders off the floor. Love it!!!

Thank you moms!!! I truly love it and appreciate your generosity.